It's been a busy last couple weeks and a lot of good news!
A few weeks ago I finished up some more animations for Video King and I am just waiting on final testing to make sure they're good to go. As soon as I know, I'll be posting them here!
Last week I was painting at Jubilations Edmonton again for the Johnny Be Good show. More trees and bears and stuff. It was a crazy long week! Most days were around 15 hrs, with only a break for dinner. The room has the largest wall space of the three theatres and we have one less day to paint than in Winnipeg...
We just barely made it out before tech rehearsal, so I never got a chance to take pictures. I will take and post some next time we are there....
Got to see one of my bestest friends Aimée, who just so happens to be moving right here to Winnipeg, in with my other friend Cherie - seven blocks away!
When I got back, I got an email from a good friend of mine, Cory Wojcik, requesting some Winnipeg Fringe poster work...And he needed it in a jiffy!
Here's the poster I did for his Fringe show Phoney Baloney Pantaloné!
And seeing as how it's a kid's show, I did up a colouring sheet of the main character for the little childrens!
While a little more time and notice would've allowed me some more polish, I like both of them a lot!
I particularly like the sketchy, watercoloury illustrative look the poster has.
Both were done based on photos of the cast in costume.
Look for these posters around the city of Winnipeg soon!
And please let me know if you see any! I'd love to hear about it! :)
While I was in Edmonton last week, I began discussing some commissions with a fellow online by the name of Chad Shelton...
He has an extremely wild and fantastical story and cast of characters that he wants to see brought to life. We have very similar tastes and we have been working on some thoughts about a web series and/or some printed material to collaborate on.
There will be much more to come (Character designs, environments, weapons, scenes etc), but we decided to start with one commission to make sure we're on the same wavelength...
This is the first sketch of one of his characters...
A Phoelarch is like a humanoid Phoenix.
Her cape is made of a magical firey material and her hands burn white hot, fueling the scorching arrows she fires from her glowing obsidian bow...
Her clothes are made of swirling "liquid hot magma", that she controls with her thoughts and her ankle and shoulder spirit wings help guide her through the air in a blinding burst of energy!
Check back soon for the finished version and much more from this new project!
Slingin' is a collectable card game like Magic The Gathering or Pokémon etc.
But Slingin' is a game based on "The Streets".
In it you control playable character cards and gain power ups like Rep, Muscle, Smarts, Heat, Cash, Weapons, Whips (Nice cars), Properties, Drugs, and of course, by killing the other playahs, yo! ...Just don't go to jail or get capped yourself!
The project will involve myself and the gentleman who created the game, Richard Hart.
We worked together on the project a bit last year and it kind of fell through for various reasons...Richard recently contacted me to offer me the opportunity to be the Artist for the entire game, and to share in the (potential) profits as Co-producer once it get's off the ground as well!
We are in talks of some Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign in the near future to get some funds to complete the game (so stay tuned for that!), but right now we're fleshing out the card designs first.
We've yet to start on new ones for this version, but he liked the direction I was going with the last ones, so we are going to use them as a base point and go from there...
Here are some of the OLD CARD ROUGHS that I had worked on last year...
What do YOU think, blog? .... I'd love to hear your comments...
Well, that's it for now, but stay tuned for a lot more updates on our new web series, Slingin', my personal work, and more illustrations for the Champions of Brumor by Riley Martin!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment!
Until Next Time