Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Faeries and Stuff!

Hey There!

Been painting up a storm (well, more mystical forest) at Celebrations Dinner Theatre these past few days for their new production...

Haven't gotten a lot of art in, but I did do a piece a few days ago for my Niece's 4th Birthday...

I was only informed of the party the day before, so I ended up being pretty pressed for time on it, but I like where it turned out all things considered...

I'm not super pleased witj how the bottom of her dress and legs ended up, and I would like to go in and polish it a little more, but I ended up having to give it to her as is, so I think I will release it into the universe and move on to more Faeries another day...

Here's another two I started last week and will likely finish this weekend...

One of Medusa...

This picture just kind of came up while I was doodling...I like the idea of a young Medusa that's been cursed, but doesn't want to be.  It becomes a very terrifying and lonely experience when every person you lay eyes upon, even fondly, is immediately turned to stone forever.  Bummer.

And this picture from my sketch book that I altered a bit and have begun colouring.

EDIT: I didn't notice till after I posted that the coloured version has a weird spot where her eyes repeat above her head. lol. ..This is due to using Photopshop's "Clone Stamp" Tool to fill in a couple patches of the background (which I will be changing anyways) after some edits.  I knew her hair was duplicated, but I wanted to give it a little more height, so I was going to work it over eventually, but I only noticed the eyes now. Weird...

Anyways... Here she is so far, regardless.

Lastly, a work-in-progress music piece I've been working on...

I wrote this years ago in MTV Music Generator 2 for Playstaion 2 and have since begun to re-write it using Cubase and Halion Symphonic Orchestra.

There are still things to tweak about the beginning, and its still needs the ending, but I like where it's going so far. I hope you like it!

I'm interested if anyone besides me is actually checking this Blog out so far... "Pageview" statistics are pretty hard to base any ideas on, so please leave a comment and if you have any suggestions of what you'd like to see in my upcoming posts, lemme know!

Thanks again.

Until next time!


  1. awesome! my favourite are the tune and the purple faerie. shes breathtaking!
