Friday, August 02, 2013

Dungeons and Randomness Limited Edition Art Prints!

Dear Blog,

More great news!

Got contacted a few weeks ago by a gentleman by the name of Erik "Tyson" Spindler from the popular D&D Podcast Dungeons and Randomness about some commissioned art prints!

D&R has recently beat out one of, if not, the largest fantasy company in the world, Wizards of the Coast for iTunes Downloads (Last I heard, 44,000 on their "Mailbag 4 Episode"!!!).

Congrats to the entire team!

The Dungeons and Randomness Podcast is a what you would expect from the title- An entertaining and often hilarious combination of two groups (alternating occasionally from cast to cast) of truly down-to-earth, relatable people, from various places, who just like to have a good time talking about the most random of subjects, and equally playing some in-depth and character driven D&D!

Truly a fun time!

They started posting their games on Podbean and the casts started to snowball...

Their followers and fan base continue to grow, even to the surprise of Erik -

"I honestly don't know how it blew up so fast, but it's been a super cool project."...

 and the team has begun to receive requests to bring their world to life.

As a fan of conventions, art and local artists, Erik, being from Winnipeg, came across my profile while searching for some artists!

We are currently working together on a character portrait of Malchus Grimnas - A Tiefling Warlock played by Rob Wiesehan.

So far the preliminary sketches have been approved and I am continuing to conceptualize and solidify Malchus' look and design as we move forward!

It's been a blast!

As there will be a set of exclusive, limited edition prints being made, I won't be posting any Sketch-work of the portrait until the finals are complete and released to their collectors.

There may be more to come yet and I'll be posting updates on our progress!

In the meantime, you can check out the Dungeons and Randomness Podcast here, or you can find a link to their Podbean on the left of this Blog in "My Friends' Sites!".

And here's the Mailbag 4 episode where Erik and the gang first mention the art project-

(Name drop around 79:00 min! ;p )

Podcast Powered By Podbean

Check back in the next few days for some more updates on my other Projects- Champions of Haven, Slingin', Chronos, and Hi-Fi!


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