Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summertime Updates!

Whoa! Been a long time since I've made a post/update and for all of you following my site by email or otherwise, I apologize! This one will be a bit lengthy to catch up on the last few months, but it's been such a wonderful time and there's so much to share with you!

Been having a great time here in Calgary! It's been a good Summer, my B-day was just yesterday (August 18th), my girlie has just arrived in town after nearly 9 months of long-distance relationshipping and we're nearing our final few weeks of the show (Big Boom Theory II)! 

I have been approached by our theatres' Artistic Director to co-write the next upcoming show - "Oh Boy! Buddy Holly!".  We are currently finalizing and editing the last of the script before it becomes a reality later this fall. 

It opens in Winnipeg in October 2014, then onto Edmonton and Calgary into 2015!  To be writing a full 3 act musical comedy that will be touring across three major cites in Canada for the Holiday Season and the better part of next year, is mind-blowing to say the least and I am so very grateful and excited to have been granted this awesome opportunity! 

I will post the official Winnipeg dates and teaser blurb next time, but you can find out more or BOOK TICKETS (wink wink!) by checking out the Celebrations website!

I hope you can all come to see it! It is going to be a blast...from the past! 

And speaking of blasts...from the pasts... I have also been asked to collaborate on another future script for late 2015-2016 tentatively titled "Michael Jackson is...Back From the Future!"  So this is going to be an exciting ride as well.  We have barely begun to brainstorm what we are going to cook up for this one, but stay tuned over the next while for updates! 1.21 Gigawatts!

Below is some of the visual work I've been doing between shows, writing, soaking up the Sun by the hotel pool, and trying to figure out the Universe...(...Thanks for the help with the Universe so far Abraham Hicks, Alan Watts, Terrence McKenna, Brendon Burchard, Einstein, Buddha, Jesus, Yoda, Law of Attraction, and Meditation... I'm starting to get the hang of it...).

I've been working mostly on personal experimentation/studies and online courses, so there's a heck of a lot of work that would likely be plain boring or simply too unrefined to even be worth posting, but here are some of the pieces from the last few months I like best! Enjoy! 

Some Random Ship Designs - One Space, One Underwater...

Below - A Steampunk Tattoo Design Commission. 

This tattoo was to cover up an existing tribal tattoo and needed to incorporate the "3-bladed" symbol at the top and the tubes at the bottom needed to be arranged in a way that would cover up a tribal arm band as well. The hands on the watch point to the commissioner's daughter's Birthdate.


And Below - Some Random Personal Sketches, Environment Speed Paints, and Studies

The Above Raven Studies are for an illustration I am working on for a Shadow/Raven Ranger.  She is part of the "Prime" universe being developed by Chad Shelton and myself.  Next post will include some of the work I am doing for Prime and for The Age of Osiris - an upcoming music/animation project a good friend of mine, Ian James, have in the works.

I am also thinking about starting up an email newsletter that will either replace or compliment my website updates with all the things I like to do and learn about -  including art, music, animation, entertainment, philosophy, supernatural, nature, survival, science, quotes, tips, tutorials and maybe even things like recipes of yummy, healthy food and drinks! It's all still in the works, and once it's all up and running I will have a sign up button and send out some messages to subscribe, but please feel free to get in touch and let me know if you'd be interested in receiving such a newsletter and any suggestions of things you'd like to see in it! I want this to be fun for everyone, so let me know what you think.

Thanks again for all your support and patience and for taking the time to take a gander.  More design, illustration, music, and animation is on it's way soon and please leave a comment, a message in the box on the left, or get in touch by any of the other crazy social media methods found on my contact page!  

Take Care till next time!

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